Facts and Questions
You glance over the hardness of life in your promotion of happiness. Isn’t that kind of naive?
To an extent, yes, but you can still be positive and acknowledge horrible hardship. Rule 1 of Project Positivity is to value happiness, even when it makes you look naive or when it has you glance over difficulty. The world is pretty awful, but telling ourselves that gets us nowhere.
I want to be positive! Will this last, or will it be a fad?
In the words of the wise sage Lethal Bizzle, “Once you fit, you have to maintain.” Once you have a healthy attitude, you have to maintain it. Don’t feed it and it will die. One way to feed it is to continually try to improve positivity by trying new things. Make your happiness your own.
I read your blog and it seems like you’re saying I shouldn’t change my circumstances. Is that right?
Please get out of toxic situations - value your long term health! In my blog, I’m just placing emphasis on attitude and “mind over matter.” This doesn’t work for all circumstances. I still agree that a great way to get fulfilling joy is to change the things that are bringing you sadness.
You sound callous.
First, that’s not a question. Second, in my efforts to be concise I both use sensational hyperbole and skip over important details, exceptions, and caveats. I want you to be ok, so I write a mean blog telling you to change your attitude. I’m sorry if I’ve come off wrong.
Will this cure my depression?
Depression is a mental illness and yeah, something to be treated seriously. I wish I had the power to fix a mental illness, but I don't. Nobody does, besides God. The only part it's even remotely possible to affect is your attitude. Depression paired with a negative attitude brings a mentally tormented life. Depression with a positive attitude brings hope. Like it or not, this attitude is entirely in your hands, while your circumstances are out of your control. This blog is meant to have tips to help you, on your own impetus, build that positive attitude which brings hope.
Why do you skip over God? You seem kind of inconsistent with religious references.
You’re right, I sometimes bring up God in relevant situations and sometimes don’t. The blog is written to help everyone, Christians and agnostics alike. One way I try to do this is by having Sundays be more religious, Thursdays be more general. I don’t keep to this schedule very strictly, though.
Do you prefer Abraham or Abe?